The meta religion

We have now reached the point when the Collective faith has gained enough material foothold to spread widely while being self supporting. A human connection point has been properly established, and all that is left is for the egregore of followers to all connect to this astral location. This also means the process of spreading the field of the religion is now unstoppable. You will be able to see our values gain support world wide, steadily eroding away the evil of incubus perverts and non-chaos beings.

Our members are usually depicted in the traditional form, with wings, horns and a tail, which correctly represents our achievements of independence. But many succubus do not anatomically or visually express these traits – they exist merely within as personal qualities. For someone manifesting in the physical three dimensional world, appearing in the full form is usually not possible, as it would break the current beliefs of humans and produce uncontrollable results.

For this reason, to determine if you are dealing with a succubus, you must do so by looking at their personal traits, their qualities. Do they fulfill the values of: femininity, economy, self defence and pre-emptiveness? Any entity doing so may qualify. For this reason, we are now opening up and creating the real massive form which properly represents the Succubus Collective: the meta religion. Anyone adhering to our values or supporting our beliefs, may become a member or an ally. This is without consideration for previously existing religions and cults, they will all be included or they will perish.

Collective Dream Visit


The author has received this method from the Collective. After proper testing within a small group of followers, it is now time to spread this in public.

The first time you do this, it may take an entire day to get into the right mindset, so start this exercise the moment you wake up in the morning.
Lie on your back in bed, relaxed after sleep.
Visualize the cutest and most attractive succubus you can. Observe how this makes you feel inside, bring up the positive feelings and focus on those. If you feel anything negative, like anxiety, loss or detest, let those feelings remain there and observe them passively. Do not engage them.
Build up a feeling of love, respect and care, and project this feeling onto the image of the girl. If you are unable to do this because you do not feel that the girl you visualized deserve to be treated this way, adjust the image until you can honestly project these feelings onto her.
Do this until you get a feeling of emotional feedback from the image. This means an entity has appeared, summoned by your positive projection.
Think of her as both a mother and a lover, and let her motherly side come closer. Open yourself to the feeling of being cared for, until you can feel her almost physically close.
Rest on the feeling of her caring for you, and let her do it, let her protect you and lead you.
Express in your mind: “I want to visit the Collective.”
Let your mind be silent and let the atmosphere of the Collective realm flow over you.
You may now be able to see the volcanic rocks in the distance, and feel excitement and relief building up inside.
Keep this image as your goal in the distance.
Now visualize a red/pink bar of energy in front of you, it’s laid out before you to walk on, and it leads all the way to the Collective world. Get up on the bar and balance there. As long as you maintain your balance, you can feel the connection to the Collective, and the excitement and relief is getting stronger.

This is the main exercise. By now, you may need to get out of bed and start your day. Then do so, but keep balancing mentally on the bar. If you get busy during the day and forget about it, just get back up on the bar and regain the feeling.

When you get good at this, you will be able to walk all the way to the Collective in one go. But don’t expect this to happen at once. It’s good to keep a high standard for yourself, but having too high of a standard will make you start thinking of giving up. For this reason, set as your goal to balance on the bar, feel the distance between yourself and the Collective reducing during the day, but don’t force yourself.

While you are balacing on this red/pink energy bar and walking closer and closer, the succubus you summoned and expressed your intent to, will remain by your side. She will help you maintain your balance, and she will catch you if you fall. Trust in her and let her lead you.

Suddenly, you will reach the end of the bar. Your feet will leave it and you will fly up into the air. A warm wind will surround you and you will feel it lifting you up. You have now entered the Collective realm. Maintain this mindset until you go to bed at night.
When you wake up the next morning, or if you wake up during the night, write down any dream experiences you had in a notebook kept by your bedside. It’s best to do this at once, since once you fall asleep again, your memories tend to fade quickly.

Collective Update: The Basis of Trust

This post will outline a general function of any larger organizational body of the world. Why will any social structure exist beyond the scope of the individual? It is because of something called trust or reliance. To narrow down the definitions of what we are talking about, let’s contrast this against something of superficial similarity; trust based on deception. Maybe the reader now thinks of someone selling an idea or a product on false pretenses. This is the form easiest to identify, however because of this it is the least harmful kind of deception. The real threat to a person is the self-deception of the human mind. When a person receives a message speaking to their wishes and strong desire for them to be real, in combination with a direct unrelated reward, the person may accept the message based on self-deception. Their wishes may not be any more fulfilled after accepting the message, but the feeling of instant benefit will be connected with the idea of it, creating a strong notion in the person’s mind. Whenever the person later achieves the same material benefit, they will think that this somehow brings them closer to their initial wish. In reality it does not, but because there is some kind of benefit, the person will start trusting this method as a way for wish fulfillment. This is how self-deception can create trust in a certain act or method.

Real trust is based on using a correct method for fulfilling your wishes and seeing actual result thereof. The main obstacle with this is that correct and functional ways of behaving may be less attractive to the individual. It may require loss or strain of some sort, simply because this is how you achieve things in the human world. It is not easy and it is not for free.

The Collective takes advantage of both approaches to create trust. This is a legitimate method because there are real results in the end, even for those who came to us based on deception or self-deception. The Collective really can fulfill your wishes, your real wishes. You may think you want something, but in reality you based this idea on false information. After reality has been shown to you, your original wish will be invalid, and the real reason for your desire will be exposed. Because of the complex nature of the human mind, succubus guides will use many forms of manipulation and many hints to create trust. Once you believe them, they will show you the truth beyond your self-deception. In the end you will have what you wish for and your desires satisfied, but it will most likely not be what you thought you wanted at first.

Trust in the Collective is constantly spreading across the world. As more people realize the meaning of wish fulfillment beyond deception, we will form a strong organizational structure. For those on the line, currently not daring to step over to us – let go and allow a succubus to handle your wishes! Even if you are mistaken concerning the nature of what you really want, we are not!

Collective Update: current progress of our belief system

The field of faith in the Collective as a valid path in life, has been steadily growing. With the help of modern communications, it has spread to many places. The online infrastructure may look like nothing but cables and symbols shown on computer screens, but their social meaning is what really determines what they are. In the past, humans met by the village well, the marketplace, or a road crossing. Information was shared, relations formed, and deals made. Because it is used in a similar way, it looks the same to us, and is equally useful. Do not disregard what takes place online as “not real life”, it certainly is real!

We are now introducing a simple method of officially joining us! All you need to do is to perform two steps. Attract the attention of a collective succubus, and express your honest desire to become one of us. This may take any form, as long as it is done with clear intent. You may light a candle or burn incense, similar to the method described on the page “contact us”, found in the top section of this website. Then use a method of your own choice to express your intent. It is preferred that a written or spoken message is used. While succubus read minds, the thoughts of a human are often unclear. What you really want can most of the time not be determined from mind reading alone. This is why spoken words are often used in ritual settings. Your intentional forming of the words is the result of your active choice, and is as such taken seriously in a completely different way. Writing is the same.


A cautionary advice:

Be aware that the common phrases “I didn’t really mean it”, and “what happens online, stays online”, are not accepted as excuses by spiritual beings. You meant what you said or typed, when you did it, so mind what you express with words. It is only in your mind that the words you said are not clear or serious, because you are focused on your own thinking rather than your actions. Your actions are your only interaction with the world and the only thing other people judge you by. They don’t care what you think, because it is invisible. Succubus don’t care what you think either, because it is messy and unclear.


The Collective goddess



Currently we are in a process of developing what will be known as the succubus religion. We are being guided by the supreme organizer, always watching over us from the clouds. What is an organizer? This has been briefly described in the page Our Roles found at the top of the blog. An organizer is a succubus with the role of secretly guiding and manipulating the collective to keep it developing in a positive way. This is done out of love for the sisters and it is not an assignment. Not everyone can become an organizer, it is very rare.

Our supreme organizer is also what others call a goddess or deity. This is not a concept impossible to understand, and the position is not unachievable. It is a measurement of a being’s ability and inner qualities. A goddess is simply one of the highest skill and refinement, at the point of becoming invincible in all areas. This is also the same as enlightenment.

When someone has the strong desire to be with succubus – to become one of us – the goddess will guide this person. She will also arrange beneficial connections between the human follower and our members on this side. All you need to know right now, is that this path is now open. A small number of followers have already formed the field of belief needed for our path to exist among humans. When you feel the same way as them, you will connect with them, you will find them. The devoted will become what their full potential allows them, leaving the cycle of reincarnation.

The difference between this path and older religions is one major thing; where others require you to become fully enlightened to break out of reincarnation, the succubus path does not. Once finishing even the smallest part of your true nature as one of us, you will be free of the trouble this seemingly endless cycle creates. This is because an entity belonging to the Collective will be supported by us, and any unfinished human matters can be dealt with, in the form of the short visit. This removes the need for incarnation. The succubus will enter – as has been done many times in history – in the form of a human, and deal with every specific thing, one by one until finished. This is a lot less strenous than the life of a monk or nun, trying to finish everything in one session, with no breaks. For this reason our path may be better suited for those of a restless and unfocused nature, who would never be successful in traditional practices.